The largest restorations and reconstructions of these landmarks in the territory Bouzovsko were carried out in the period from 2007 to 2013. These activities were accomplished thanks to the financial support from the municipal office Bouzov and thanks to concerned citizens. The citizens were working for free in reconstructions of monuments and procured the sacred images.
The reconstruction of calvaries in Kovářov and Hvozdečko were mainly funded by citizens of these villages. The image of the Sankten Filomena was manufactured and financed by a private person.
Wooden chapels for those images were usually glazed. They were made by cabinetmaker Mr. Lubomir Novák from Podolí. On the restorations work and providing the necessary materials were involved: Mr. Jiří Švec from Bouzov - he paid for three paintings, which are painted on metal. Mr.Vilém Švec from Kadeřín, Mrs. Jitka Ferdinandová - citizen from Bouzov, Mr. Karel Zatloukal from Svojanov, Mr.Petr Putík from Bouzov, Mr. Václav Kopka from Svojanov and Mr.Jiří Ženožička from Bouzov. Mr. Joseph Filip of Bouzov participated on the restoration of Golgotha in Kovářov; the restoration of Golgotha Hvozdečko participated Mrs. Pavla Slouková from Hvozdečko. The reconstruction of the image of St. Philomena placed behind the village Hvozdečko made Mr. Pavel Kargela from Střeň.
Required wooden pillars were donated by a local company Bouzovské lesy.
The reconstruction and maintenance of most sights were carried out and completed this year. Some of the attractions were placed in a place where something important happened in the past. Some were placed at intersections of roads, they were served as points of reference for military maps or for tourists. In many cases we haven´t known the reason of their creation any more. Up to these days, there are left only a few legends about these cultural monuments. Some of them have even been mentioned in the register applications.
The Municipal Office Bouzov 22.9.2013